Monday, March 22, 2010

Things That I Love

As I was taking my morning stroll around the yard, as I do every spring morning to observe new plant growth, I couldn't help but feel a wave of thankfulness rush over me. Everything was beautifully washed from a gentle rain that fell yesterday, the birds were singing sweetly in the trees, and the sun was shining brightly. I started to think about how incredibly blessed I am. God has given me a wonderful family, supportive friends, and beautiful things to enjoy.

The idea of beautiful things takes on many different meanings for people. To me, beautiful things are not the most expensive things, or the latest or newest things; in fact, most of them cost nothing at all and some are quite old. They are simply things that make me happy when I see them. So here it goes - a list of just a few of my favorite things!

--Hellebores humbly swaying in a gentle breeze
(I have always wondered why such a beautiful flower would hang its head.)

--mud on my shoes from a newly planted garden area
(I didn't realize that the dirt on the outside of the bed was so soft.)

--a one hundred year old chest once owned by my husband's great grandparents
(Can you believe that someone once told me that it would be beautiful if I repainted it?)

--a friendly little chick-a-dee that allows me a closer look
(I think he is learning to trust me.)

--early morning dew on a budding camellia
(early morning dew on any flower for that matter)

These are just a few of the little treasures that I enjoy; but none of these can compare to the treasure that I find in my Lord and Savior who said himself, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

What are some of your favorite things?


myletterstoemily said...

of course, my favorite things are free, too!

my husband's love and children's devotion.
the sun melting the snow into my garden.
new friends and old friends.
a roof over my head, coffee beside me, and
so many fun things to do that i have to
skip from one to the other.

thanks for reminding me. i love your gentle,
grateful blog.

Glenda said...

Beautifully written, Carla! And my list includes many of your favorites: family, nature, treasures and memories from my family's past, drives in the country, our flag waving in the breeze, uplifting music, seeing God's world through my camera lens, an "ah-ha" moment when God speaks . . . and these are all free! I totally agree that nothing compares to a relationship with God Himself!

Your pics are wonderful!

sweetbay said...

I love the picture of the hellebores. I have heard that breeders are attempting to hybridize ones that don't hang their heads so shyly.

Joan Elizabeth said...

I adore helibores but they don't grow well in my garden. I think they want more water than I remember to give them.