Garth loves to snuggle in the soft blankie for a little nap.
Voltaire thinks that Catie needs help with her homework.
The garden is still alive and seems to have grown a little. Boy, does gardening take patience!
My two rows of garlic have finally popped up through the ground. I wasn't sure if they would grow very well here. I have never known anyone to try it.
Finally, my spirea has fully bloomed- much later than usual.
As you can see, things are pretty quiet around here right now. I expect to spend a lot of time working in my flower beds later this week. The prediction of warm, sunny weather makes me realize how much there is to do in the next few weeks. However, I think I'll enjoy the peace and quiet for a little while longer.
Love your spirea! I think they have such a graceful shape. Our temperatures are supposed to be in the upper seventies maybe even eighty by Thursday. It will probably break a record if it gets that warm.
You have a lot going on in your garden. I don't even have daffodils blooming yet. This waiting is hard.
Kitties look so peaceful.
what cute kitties and your garden looks great. and it sure does take patience and then it takes lots of work! i signed on to follow!
Quiet is a good thing!!
Gardening does take patience, doesn't it? Especially during early spring when cool nights seem to slow growth to a standstill. But sounds like it's warming up nicely there. Your garden plants look healthy and green.
Your spirea is so pretty! And the kitties seem to love their new home and family!
The spiraea is beautiful! I have a small old fashioned one that is blooming. The big ones (Van Houtte) will bloom soon. Can't wait. I love the white! We too are expecting 80 degree days. Isn't it a bit too early?? I'm so not ready. The garden is growing by leaps and bounds.
Our garden seems to be slow too, but it probably isn't, it's more that I'm just a wee bit impatient. Love the pussycats, oh how I wish I wasn't allergic to such beautiful creatures :/
Wow - it looks to me that you have been very busy, Carla! Guess that's because I'm retired and living a much slower life now than when I worked and was raising three children! :)
Your garden looks great - I enjoy seeing the progress! Spring doesn't really start here until May.
Enjoy the peace & quiet!
Your little cat occupies the same space our Tommy does, except he's 10 times bigger. lol (And he's not fat either!)
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