As I sit here writing today, I feel tremendously blessed! The sun is shinning brightly and the birds are singing sweetly. My family has had a wonderfully, busy weekend!
One of the special things we did this weekend was to attend Carson's first guitar recital. She taught herself how to play last summer and in the fall we started her in lessons to help her advance in her picking. She is learning the bluegrass style of playing, although her love is country music. She was so nervous last night and wanted to back out. I reminded her to say a little prayer and told her that she would do fine. She stepped out on stage and played "Wildwood Flower" without a single missed note (including a difficult G run at the end). We were so proud, especially her pa pa, who didn't know that she was learning his favorite song. I made a deal that I would not take any pictures while she was playing if she would pause at the end for a shot. She was so happy to be finished that she forgot to wait. I hope the photographer for the studio got a good picture for me. I am always so proud of both of my girls when they accomplish things that they didn't think that they could.
I was also very happy when John was able to put the soil in our submerged vegetable beds. The cotton seed hulls mixed with our topsoil looks very promising. I am in the process of deciding what to plant. I have ordered some asparagus, garlic, and green beans, so far. I know that I also want some assorted lettuces and broccoli. This is all very new to me. My dad has been a master gardener for years. I hope his knowledge has somehow rubbed off on me.
Look at my handsome, hardworking husband. To a country girl, there is nothing better looking than a man on a tractor.
After church today, I walked around to find some more signs of spring. The daffodils have finally started blooming. These are some that have been around for as long as I can remember. They are on my parent's property, and were there long before they purchased it. My mom said that they were planted by the elderly lady that lived there many years ago. Isn't it amazing how the things that we plant today will be around for years to come to brighten the lives of others?
I can't help but smile every time I see the beautiful yellow of a daffodil.
I will be going with John to Asheville for the next couple of days for business. I will take my camera and hopefully have something to share from my trip when I return. Have a blessed week!
Love your daffodil pics! They seem to just shout out, "Spring is coming!" So does your garden spot!
I know you are proud of your talented daughter! My husband loves to hear "Wildwood Flower" played on a guitar; he's a real bluegrass fan. I enjoy good guitar music, as well.
Imagine how the old woman who planted those daffodils would feel to know they made you smile every spring. It is a nice legacy to leave, planting something that makes someone else smile:)
Hi Southern Lady and thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Always enjoy hearing from someone in our beautiful NC.
I have so enjoyed reading back through your blog - what a great job you are doing. Your home on the pond is beautiful and a resident otter sounds like fun. I would love to move to the country but at this late date and with a hubby who's such a city guy, it's highly unlikely!
Love reading your nature notes. Many of Edith Holden's notes were from from Devon in England where I'm from! She spent her holidays there. I love her books and have always longed to capture nature in such delicate paintings. I have the Country Diary china too - it was a gift to myself many years ago. This morning I walked a woodland trail and was thrilled to see some green popping out after this long Winter. Hawks were circling and squirrels were doing their usual runs up and down tree trunks!
Are you near Raleigh?
Enjoy this lovely weather and do visit me again.
Those daffs are beautiful. They are timeless and seem to last forever. :)
PS There is a book called Guide to North Carolina Vegetable Gardening by Walter Reeves and Felder Rushing that you might find helpful. It's available in paperback. I ordered a copy a few years ago and it had a lot of information about different crops and when to plant them.
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