I fell in love with the barn on the Sandburg's property. Isn't it beautiful?
It made me think of our barn. It was on the property when we purchased it ten years ago. Although we have made improvements in other areas, we are just now starting to work on the barn. We are adding new stalls for the horses, and hope to make the goats a new home with a grazing area adjacent to the barn.
Yesterday with the temperatures in the mid seventies, I decided to go to the barn and do some clean up. I'll leave the building to John, since that is what he does for a living! Carson was finished with her schooling for the day so she went down with me to groom the horses while I worked. I cleaned for a couple of hours imagining how beautiful our barn will one day be. I imagined the beautiful flowers that could grace the front, an area for the bunny that Carson has been wanting, the goats grazing in their new fence, and the horses eating in their new stalls. Doesn't imagining the outcome help when there is work to be done?
As I watched Carson doing what she loves, I couldn't help but thank God for my beautiful life in the country. Don't get me wrong. I love the city and all of the wonderful cultural activities that it has to offer, but my heart is deeply rooted in the country.
It seems as though life is some how slower and sweeter when lived in the country.
Carson made me stop working for a while to brush her horse, Cloudy. She wanted me to experience the feeling of peace that washes over one's soul when brushing a horse. She is so right about that, it is almost as if all of your cares fade away with each easy stroke.
As I handed the brush back to her, I snapped back into reality. There is work to be done if my dreams are ever going to come true!!
I miss my horses. To me the best time of the day was evening feedng. No rushing, just that wonderful smell of sweet feed and alfalfa and the sound of horses chewing. Absolute peace.
Beautiful barns, both Sandburg's and yours! mid-70's ?!! We have had mid to high 50's for about a month and a half, unusual moderate temperature, but this week we have experienced one night of near freezing and a few more forecast. Hopefully Spring is here and not enough cold to hurt our fruit trees.
Keep dreaming! Have a great week.
That is one beautiful barn! That's nice warm weather you're having, Wow!
Brush that horse a bit for me, will you?
Oh, it would nice to have a barn. :) Yours looks like it's going to turn out wonderfully.
The Sandburg Barn is a beauty. Yours is pretty nice too. Living in the country must be so nice-love it. Thanks for sharing your day wih us.
I love barns and wish we had one! You have a beautiful daughter and a wonderful place to raise her.
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