This is how the first bed looked this morning.
This is John wearing his tool belt while finishing the framing of the second bed.
Carson was the shovel holder until she decided to bail out and go to grandma and grandpa's house.
This is one of the beds after everything had been planted and watered.
The funniest thing happened. When I opened the asparagus that I had ordered, I couldn't decide how to plant it. I dug my trenches and planted it just like the package said to do it. The only problem was that I didn't know which side was up. I couldn't tell if the stringy stuff hanging off of it were roots or leaves. I decided to just check the internet for some information before watering them. Low and behold, I had planted them upside down!! Thank goodness for the internet! Now, remember my disclaimer: I am a BEGINNER! We got a good laugh out of that one.
After a busy day working in the vegetable beds, John and I headed down to the pond for a little relaxation. There is nothing like sitting on the pier in the quiet of the evening watching the reflection of the clouds on the water.
Hopefully the deer will stay in the woods and out of the yard tonight. I'll keep you posted! Happy first day of spring!
I really enjoyed reading about your first day of spring in the garden! I think it looks like a fine garden; I don't think there is any such thing as a perfect garden! I always keep my husband updated on how your garden is coming along, and he said to tell you that he wouldn't know which end was up with asparagus, either! We've never planted that veggie.
Sounds like the two of you had a perfect first day of spring! We're back in the 30's here tonight after having beautiful warm weather.
I see you got good exercise working the earth. Spring is always a great time of the year. Good luck with your veggies. I too started veggies for the first time this year. I'm an amateur too and though most of the veggies didn't germinate, I did have luck with some like tomatoes and I am encouraged to do the others again. Have a great weekend!
What a busy day !
It is not to have a perfect garden which is important. The most important thing is to enjoy to be outdoors, to see the plants growing and to be content with your garden.
Happy springtime to you.
Thanks for your comments.
Hélène -
Very nice! It was a gorgeous day yesterday -- today too.
We've been planting out in our boxes too this week. I'd love to follow along with you and see how your garden grows (we are no experts either) ;-)
Look at you go, Carla! Already preparing the soil and planting! I had a little giggle when you shared about the asparagus - I have no idea how to plant it and would have googled for help too! :)
I think you are doing fantastic!!!
Your beds look good, who cares if you are a beginner? You are doing something good for you! By the way if you are thinking of something to save your plants I found a product Deer Out which I have used for three years now. Nothing harmful in it, and believe me it works great! We will have quite a few deer around here sometimes, especially when cell phones are no longer going off in the woods!!
They look great - I am not even a beginner as I have never even started!
Looking forward to seeing the fruits (or veg!) of your labour!
The pond looks idyllic!
Those veggies are going to grow so fast soon that bed will full! Looks fantastic! I have a confession too. I planted aconites last year and had no idea which side was up. Grrrr! It can be frustrating. You were smarter than me for looking it up. I just planted the corms and hoped for the best. Good thing they all came up. It's great to work with your hubby in the garden on a nice spring day. The pond is beautiful.
You have a wonderful start on your garden. I haven't grown asparagus in years. I love to eat it but it takes a lot of work to keep the grass and weeds out.
Love the photo of the clouds floating across the water.
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