I hope you don't mind my sharing some of these happenings around my house.
I know that spring is really here when I notice my peonies starting to peek through the soil. I happened to mention to my dad that I needed something to support them as they grow; he made me seven of these cages and brought them to me this afternoon. My dad has to be one of best there is!
The loropetalums are blooming. I love the dainty little flowers, and the color is gorgeous.
The star magnolia is in full bloom now. I have enjoyed watching the white flowers sway in the breeze. Fortunately, the nights have not gotten cold enough to damage them yet.
The redbud is getting ready to open its pretty pink flowers any day now.
This time of the year when the sun is setting, even the pond seems to come alive. I love the way shadows come over the water and the last light of day illuminates the trees in the distance. What a peaceful ending to a perfect day!
What beautiful blooms...it's always exciting to discover new things in the spring. I also love your pond!
Hi! came over from Zuzu blog.. lovly blog you have.. new follower.. glad to have stopped by..happy spring!
I, too, enjoy walking around our place to see what Spring is doing! Your blooms and buds are beautiful - and will grow prettier every day! And your pond is such a pretty, relaxing place.
You are definitely not the only one enjoying those new discoveries each day. They all make life so wonderful for me. Your dad did great on the peony cages! I have those too and leave them in place all year. Sure makes for better looking peonies. Love your star magnolia. I have a tiny one that just began blooming and those blooms smell so good.
I know what you mean. This time of year, when nature gives us blooms one at a time we appreciate them more. In June and July we are on overload and don't look nearly so closely.
Happy Spring!
-I love your cages for the peonies - what a dad!
Am I the only person who finds joy in new discoveries in the garden every day?
No ma'am! I'm looking for signs of Spring, but right now I'm seeing a blizzard moving sideways. :) That's OK. At 2 miles above sea level, this is to be expected in March and April.
Your Dad did a wonderful job on the plant supports! Enjoy each tiny, sweet surprise your garden brings you each day, Carla, and thank you for sharing it with us!
Beautiful photos, I love the magnolia, oh so pretty. Thanks for your sweet comment Carla, I think I will be showing more of my home in the following weeks as I make a few changes here and there ;)
Spring is a wondrous time of year. Everything is really coming alive now.
Boy I really feel like a doofus right now. I've been spending money on those flimsy hoop things. It never occured to me to make my own! Thanks for the tip!--Randy
I believe that daily discoveries bring joy to all gardeners! How lucky you are to have a father that can make such wonderful cages for your peony! I stake each stem with bamboo then must remember to remove them each year. I should invest in some cages as I see many gardeners that use some type of cage.
Dont you ever paint that beautiful chest! You have it so wonderfully displayed and the colors compliment each other so well. Back away from the paint brush!!!
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