On a lighter note, I had lots of birds at the feeders this morning. A rainy day seems to bring more birds than any other day. The flapping and fighting that occurred was almost too funny. Along with the birds, I had several squirrels feasting at the feeders. John, being the hunter that he is, has offered to "take care" of them. I always thank him for the offer, but gently remind him that the squirrels have to eat too! I did, however, let out my two dogs, Freckles and Mo, thinking that they would run off the little critters. A little later, I noticed the squirrels were still eating up a storm. I went out to see where the dogs were. Mo was no where to be seen and Freckles was lounging on the front porch. It's time these dogs learn how to earn their keep!
Freckles: "Here I am. Now what was it you wanted me to do?"
Freckles looks like he's saying "Please don't make me go out into the rain." lol
Too funny, you are right!
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