He thought that this fish might be happy in our pond.
Maybe he will. We do have other catfish to keep him (or her) company. How do you tell if a fish is a girl or a boy?
What is the strangest thing someone has ever given to you?
A look into the ordinary life of someone who loves nature and the God who created it all.
My husband gave me a rather odd sculpture for a valentines present once ... because I didn't like it and would not let him buy it. The funny thing is I've grown to like it.
The catfish doesn't look very attractive but I guess you can grow to like it too.
I dunno, a catfish seems like a pretty nice present. :) It probably stands a better chance of surviving than those really expensive koi!
Just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I read through some of the previous posts . . . sounds like it is very peaceful at your house. I also live in the south; born and raised. (NC) Thanks for sharing. I am hoping for a new camera soon. The pictures you have taken turned out great.
In HIS love,
worms, snakes, tadpoles, insects, dead birds, etc.
i have two boys. :)
They sure are not the most beautiful creature:) Hope it helps keep your pond clean.
My hubby gave me a weed whacker for Mother's Day about 10 years ago and a lawn mower for my bday. I have since given him gift giving lessons. I have to say though that no one has ever given me a catfish. I don't know what I would do with a catfish.
I thought he brought him for you to eat. I'm thinking-yum! Fresh fish! Strangest gift I've received, hmmmm, I'll have to think on that.
LOL! That's a good one! I don't think that I can top your gift story.
So, the way I see it, that was more of a gift to the fish.
What's the strangest gift I've ever given? Hmmmm... I'm going to have to thing about this one.
Thank you so much for being my most faithful follower. I appreciate your daily comment more than you can know. To answer your question... I own the Old House, which is in Texas, and has been in the family since the 1880s. I live in Wyoming now but long to return home. I left in 1992 and haven't felt "at home" since.
Strange gift! Once while on holiday on an island off the west coast of Ireland a local man tipped a large mound of freshly caught prawns unto our gate post as a gift :)
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