Aren't the knock out roses pretty? I know that nothing beats the old fashioned roses, but these sure are easy to take care of.
This is another variety of peony in my garden. I wish I could remember the name. Does anyone out there know what it is?
The day lilies are just starting to bloom. I think these are Happy Returns.
It will be nice when they all bloom.
I can't wait to see what all I can do with my new camera. I just love my man. He always seems to know just what I want. Tomorrow I am heading out early to see if I can capture some good pictures of birds with the zoom lens. Wish me luck.
you have just the loveliest garden! and i loved
seeing your photos from your new camera on
my new computer. :)
Your rose bushes are splendid. The modern roses have their advantages : they are easy to grow and do not suffer deseases as the vintage or English ones.
You have a charming garden.
Thank you again for your kind comments.
Have a nice week.
All the best with learning the new camera ... you are going to have a ball. Glad to see the knock out roses I remember discussing then with your some time ago. They are wonderful, wish I could get something like that going.
What a wonderful gift! Jamie actually bought me my first camera. To this day I'm still in love with the old one. Your knockouts are wonderful!-- Randy
You and your new camera are doing a fine job! I have so much trouble getting good photos because of the strong all-day sun in my garden...too overexposed from 8am-7pm and underexposed at other times. I keep playing with settings or just hope for a cloudy day!
I have KO roses, too. With the Japanese beetle problem here, I don't worry about these like a would special roses. Mine do a great job of blooming from Easter through Thanksgiving and being green almost year round.
Awesome Mother's Day present! I love the Knockouts. They are so darned easy and beautiful and fragrant too. I think your peony might be 'Sarah Bernhardt' peony. An old fashioned one. It sure is happy.
How sweet! :) A new camera is on my wishlist... but it will have to wait a while.
Yay for a new camera! I can't think of a better gift! Your photos are just beautiful - so clear and detailed - and your flowers are gorgeous! Have fun with your camera!
Getting used to a new camera is always hard, but worth it in the end.
I agree about the Knock Out roses. They may not be quite as romantic as the heirloom roses, but they make up for it by not having to be sprayed.
Enjoy your gift! I am sure you will, and as you know i love to take photos.
Great colour in your garden too- beautiful blooms.
Thanks for visiting :)
Great Mother's Day present! One of the best I think.
You have to admire Knockouts and their brilliance of color. I have 2, one about 5 years old and another new, and a Rainbow Knockout.
Congrats on your new camera! It will be fun learning how to use it:) I don't have any Knockouts but gave my Mom one a couple of years ago and she loves it.
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