In school, could Carson enjoy doing her work on the porch....
....enjoying a view of the beautiful sky? the company of a playful hummingbird?
I think not!
I guess the biggest reason that I love homeschooling so much is because once in a while, when you least expect it, your children will say or do something totally on their own that makes you realize that they are getting it. They really do listen to what you say. A moment when you realize that you have passed a little piece of what matters to you on to your children.
This weekend held a moment like that. In the mist of all of the news about the oil spill in the gulf, Carson decided that she needed to do something about it. She wanted to do what she could to prevent off shore drilling in our beautiful state. She spent her Friday evening (after I had gone to bed) writing letters to the President, First Lady, Governor, and a Congressman about her concern for the environment. Saturday morning, to my surprise, the letters were completed and ready to mail.
This was not a school assignment, mind you. It was just the actions of a young lady who wanted her voice to be heard; a young lady who has been taught to love and care for God's creation.
Now, that is the real reason why I homeschool. Little moments like this would make any mom proud!
I'm glad your daughter wrote those letters. In fact I think everyone should write those letters. It hurts to think about the oil spill.
you deserve to be very proud!
what an intelligent and mature
young lady.
Kudos to Carson! I hope her missives fall on receptive ears. What a terrible situation we are all faced with in this massive spill.
It seems that you are a homeschooler who really instills a sense of citizenship in your students. Kudos to you as well.
What a responsible young lady! She's to be commended for her maturity and concern for God's creation! Three of my grandchildren are homeschooled, and I'm sure their parents share your views! Although I taught in a public school, I think it is so very special to be able to teach your own children in an environment such as your home! Keep up the good work; I know it isn't always easy, but the rewards must be great!
How very sweet. You just have to love the innovativeness of children. I am so glad she did this and hope to hear more about the results!
Awesome young lady...what a blessing!
Thank you for praying for my friend, MaryGrace.
You have an awesome blog. I have joined to follow and look forward to getting to know you.
I admire people who have the dedication and patience to home school ... and your are rewarded for it.
You asked about the roses -- I got your comment and have tried to publish it several times. Some blogger glitch. It'll show up eventually!
I never spray any of my roses. The ones that have done the best for me are the species R. carolina, virginiana, palustris scandens, and rugosa. I also have the hybrid rugosa Hansa. Rugosas can't be sprayed by the way -- it'll kill them, or make them sick at the least.
Besides the roses I listed above, Teas, Chinas, Polyanthas and some Hybrid Musks are the roses to grow no spray in the Southeast. Something eats my Climbing Old Blush all summer (some caterpillar) but it doesn't hurt the rose. The Hybrid Musk Felicia has very healthy foliage but Ballerina always loses all of her leaves. A little blackspot that some roses get doesn't bother me or the roses. These roses are completely different from Hybrid Teas in terms of disease resistance. For instance, the rugosas stay cleaner than the Knockouts.
I think I've blogged about all of my roses so if you do a search you can see what's done well here, although the above summary covers it pretty well.
If I had children, I would home school too. I know the path isn't easy and many parents consider schools to be all day babysitters. Then too, many parents think is is essential for children to be surrounded by other kids all day long.
I think your daughter is learning to do things that are important to her, not necessarily important to the school system. She is showing independence which is something schools don't encourage. Good for her.
Makes you really proud, doesn't it? Our children are amazing blessings. Homeschooling will certainly help you to recognize this!
I'm happy with our children's classical Christian school, but some days I really miss homeschooling.
You're doing a great job!
If only every parent could see this crisis this way and get there children involved. Wonderful!!Wonderful!! Go Carson!
I'm sure this is only ONE of many, many reasons you are proud of your sweet daughter. It's encouraging to hear of your successes!
Wow, what a moment that must have been for you. You must be so proud! xx
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