Even though the week has been busy, I have tried to take a little time to stop and smell the roses...or in my case, look at the tomatoes.
We have several little tomatoes turning that beautiful color of red. I can't wait to taste them.
I have also enjoyed the blooms of some lilies that were given to me last fall.
I'm not sure of the varieties. Does anyone know?
Some of you may remember my last post of my mom's huge hydrangea. This is one of my little ones rooted from hers.
I have also made pesto for the second time this season. I just love the combination of fresh basil, Parmesan, pine nuts, and olive oil. I know it is summer when its time for pesto. (I think I was meant to be Italian.)
These are some of the simple things that help me get through a busy week. How do you cope when you have too much to do?
Our tomatoes are now ready, too, so we'll be enjoying some BLT sandwiches!
When my days are so busy, I love to walk around the yard and see what's blooming . . . or water flowers . . . or just watch the birds for a few minutes.
Hope your recital goes well and that you can enjoy the "lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer"! (Is that even the correct wording for that old song?)
I can taste the sweet bite of those tomatoes from here.
Good morning. That pasta looks so good. I love pizza with pesto instead of tomato sauce. Something different.
Oh you have tomatoes already? Nothing tastes better than homegrown. Your pasta with pesto looks delicious.
Hi Carla,
This is going to sound odd, but I don't have enough to do!!! My children are grown and on their own, and Hubby & I are retired, so I have to work at firnding things to do! :)
Your garden looks wonderful - hope your week goes well and you can find some time to relax!
Hello Carla, your tomatoes are looking wonderful! as is that pesto pasta. Um, um, um. Dinner time here.
Carla, make a list. That's what I do. The most important things go first, and if there is time, the other stuff can follow. The problem is that my lists are organic and they keep growing, but the good side is "I am NEVER bored". ;) Life is good! God is good!
Have a wonderful week and weekend.
The pesto looks great.
If I have too much to do I try to get it all done at once, lose it, recover, and then keep going. Not a very good system, unfortunately. lol
Oh how I love, love, love home-grown tomatoes. Your hydrangeas are outstanding...!!!
Hi Carla, So nice to meet you! I love your blog and all your pretty photo's. Thank you for the info on re-rooting the hydrangea's. I have some in a vase right now and would love to try my luck. I just love them so much.
The pasta looks delicious!
We have our first tomatoe blooms too, it's a race to beat the birds to them!
That pesto looks delicious! Love your blog!
The yellow day lily must surely be Stella d'Oro, don't know the name of the other pretty one though.
The Pesto looks wonderful. You make me wanna try my hand at it. The hydrangeas are beautiful and you my friend are an amazing lady!
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