The bright spot in my week came yesterday with the celebration of Catie's seventeenth birthday. Did I just type that? Seventeen? Those of you who have older kids know exactly what that is like. And you, with younger kids, will find out quicker than you think. If you've ever heard the country song Don't Blink you'll know exactly how I feel right now. It seems like just yesterday she was the little girl with tight ringlet curls in her hair. Now, we are discussing senior pictures and college choices.
This all could make me really depressed, but it doesn't. I realized a long time ago that God was giving her to us to love and teach until it was time to send her out into the world. I hope we are doing a good job of it.
Carson, the little sister, seemed more excited about this birthday than anyone. She made Catie a beautiful cake and served her breakfast in bed to help her celebrate her day. I live for little moments when sisterly love makes such a grand appearance in this house.
Fortunately, Catie did not have any exams yesterday, so we were able to spend the day shopping for swimsuits for the girls. (Not for me, of course! I am way beyond enjoying that experience. We were trying to keep the day fun!) We also had a nice girl's lunch at the Olive Garden.
After dinner out with the whole family, and a boyfriend, we came back home and enjoyed the wonderful cake. The entire day was filled with joy. On days when the girls are arguing over the TV, computer, or clothes, I will remember this day when sisterly love prevailed.
Reminds me of Psalm 133:1 - How good and pleasant it is when (sisters) live together in unity...
How quickly the years pass. Enjoy them while you may.
This is so sweet! Yup, a blink of an eye says it all...
What a sweet post - one that I can identify with as a sister of just one sister! (Did that make any sense?) Sister friendships are so special - even during the growing-up days of disagreements and arguing. Your beautiful girls seem close ... and that's a good thing!
Who would have thought a few years ago that we would become so dependent on our computers and internet? But I guess we can say that about any technological advancement. I did miss your posts
and checked last night to see if I had just overlooked one. Glad you're back!
Have a great weekend!
Oh how sweet of her to do that for her big sis. If I ever served breakfast in bed to my sister it would of just been cold milk thrown on her. It's nice to know that sisters do get along. My two on occasion do bond together. They are 10 years apart and the youngest is 3 so those are few and far between.
Isn't it funny how you don't know how you did things before the internet? Ours went down and I got so much done without being able to blog! A little secret that I will definitely be keeping from my hubby!
what a sweet, sweet sister story. my youngest
two girls really got after it in high school but
now are the best of friends. your girls have a
great head start.
it sounds like a perfect birthday celebration.
i'm totally with you on the bathing suit thing.
why ruin a wonderful day?
my heart goes out to you as you approach
this next year of goodbyes. i wish i could tell
you it is easy, but i can tell you His grace is
Isn't it amazing watching our daughters become young women? It sounds like you had a wonderful day with family.
It's wonderful that your daughters are close and do things like that for each other!
I know exactly what you mean! Our two boys are now married!! I recall going into a bank with them--an infant and a toddler--and an older lady telling me to "enjoy them because they grow up too fast"!! My sleep deprived self wasn't very receptive but she was right. Of course they grew up to be wonderful young men and I enjoy them and their wonderful ladies very much. Happy birthday to your lovely daughter!
What a wonderful family day! Happy birthday to your daughter. Yes, they grow up too quickly.
Such a lovely 'sister story' Carla - my belated Birthday wishes to Catie.
Loved your post on Oak Island and the beautiful pics - the coastline is so lovely and we are lucky to live not too far off. I'm just praying the oil does not reach our beaches - it could be devastating for the birds and sea creatures, and the tourism business.
Carla, hope you continue to stop by and read my Africa posts - I have so much to tell about the most wonderful travel experience of my life. It was awesome in every way......I already want to go back!
Happy weekend dear.
Hugs - Mary
Happy Birthday to Catie, and what a sweetheart of a sister Carson is!!! :)
My eldest daughter turned 35 last week. Say what? Can't be! I remember holding her for the very first time, telling her that I was her mama!
Wishing you & yours a lovely weekend, Carla!
Lovely post! Very moving.
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