It is already Thursday and the week feels as though it has gone on forever. Being busy would be okay if I felt as though I had accomplished anything, but the activities I have been involved in are the kind that you can't look back and see results. Most of them involve trips to appointments and such.
I have found that when I have stressful events occurring in my life, the best thing I can do is take a walk. Needless to say, I have taken several walks this week. I try to grab my camera once in a while just in case I see anything interesting as I amble about. This week I decided to try to capture serenity in my photos to help me to remember to relax. I thought that maybe others would enjoy a relaxing moment as much as I do, so here it is. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the walk.
My gravel driveway is about a fourth of a mile long up hill. The hill actually gives a pretty good work out, but at the top I am rewarded by a pretty little bluebird that has made her home in the box that my dad put up for me. Until we put up the box last year, she tried to build a nest in my mailbox.
At the end of the driveway, a look to the right shows the solitude of where we live.
A look to the left shows even more of the solitude of our country life. We do have neighbors within a mile of our home, but we do not see them very often. During my walk, I may see one car (on a busy day).
I do not like to walk listening to an ipod, instead I enjoy listening to the sounds of nature and spending time with the creator of it all. Telling Him my problems always seems to make them much more bearable.
Of course what goes up, must come down, so the walk back down the driveway is probably the most relaxing part of the stroll. The wild blackberries growing around the pond look very promising this year.
The sounds of the birds, scent of the blooms, and the feel of the gentle breeze is enough to melt away any amount of stress that one may have.
Well, I am off to another busy day. Hopefully, I will find time to walk and relax. May you also find a little time in your day to relax and enjoy your surroundings.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." John 14:1
The water would make me relax every time. Are your blackberries really prickly? The plants we call blackberries around here are a horrible prickly weed that only goats will eat.
Thank you for this peaceful post; I need it! I so enjoyed seeing your place, and it does look so serene - and beautiful. I need to take your advice about the walking - something I once did regularly. The Scripture you chose is perfect for every day, but especially the stressful times in our lives.
I need a place like that to walk and relax. Must be going around cause all it seems like I have been doing is running! Kids want to go in two different directions. Ran to Lansing for the hubby yesterday and today I have to run back to the same place again! Oi vey! I would love to live where you do. Lots of peace and quiet.
You are so right about walking and stress. And, I should say, you have a great area to walk. Water means everything to me. Even a little pond makes a big difference. That bird is cute! Our blackberries don't bloom yet.
My farm is similar to yours. No neighbors closer than a mile in any direction. I wish my road was in such nice condition as yours.
It looks like you will have a really good crop of black berries this year. I have wild berries growing up in the hedgerows and look forward to sharing them with the birds this summer.
It was nice of your dad to put that bluebird box up. I have chickadees in one of my boxes this spring.
well, that lovely walk totally relaxed me.
what a beautiful place to live. thank you
for sharing it with us city dwellers.
this is one of my favorite places to visit,
and i love that you follow joan, as well.
she's my blogging hero.
Such a beautiful place. . . do you sometimes have to pinch yourself the realize that you actually get to live in the midst of such beauty?
I can relate to your thoughts about being so very, very busy. . . and it's just at these times that we need to stop and just BE. I'm wishing that I had a long walk to the mailbox. Or I wish I could come walk to yours with you!
Every blessing to you and your beautiful family!
Walking is the best! What a nice area you have to do so and commune with nature.
You are much farther out than we are! We are surrounded by a lot of woods and farmland, but there are a lot of houses around too (my MIL lives in a subdivision about a mile away).
I can relate to being busy. Lately I feel like I've been trying to juggle 5 things at once! Taking a deep breath and looking around brings instant relief. There is nothing like nature as a balm to the soul.
It is beautiful where you live, Carla! We share many of the same, simple loves.
Happy May Day to you and yours,
was a bit like hold hands and walk along the path with you, to admire the blossoming of sweet blackberries (I love your roses!) and hear the sounds of nature and enjoy the magnificent scenery on the lake.
Thank you for sharing these emotions! ;)
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