The drive from Sorrento to Pompeii provided more gorgeous glimpses of life in rural Italy. We passed by many country houses, all with Mt. Vesuvius looming in the distance.

I think I could live in a country house like this one, couldn't you?

We we arrived at Pompeii I couldn't wait to see this place that intrigued me so as a child. My first reaction was one of amazement at the size of this ancient site. One thought that stood out in my mind was how I had always misunderstood this place. The city was much more advanced than I ever imagined. When I thought of early AD I pictured something very different. Instead, this was a thriving city in its day with all of the activities that city life affords.

The city was complete with places to eat, sleep, be entertained, and even find some companionship (if you know what I mean). This really opened my eyes to how people in Biblical times really lived.
Catie had to take a picture of me in one of the kitchens in Pompeii. I think she sees that as where I belong.

As I walked around and listened to our guide, I tried to imagine living among the people that she described. It is hard to imagine a situation where all of the inhabitants of a place are going about their daily tasks and then a catastrophic event ends it all. It is a very sobering thought.
This visit to Pompeii has forever changed how I view life in the time of Christ. Although I may never visit the Holy Land, I think I now have a better understanding of what a typical town was like during the height of the Roman Empire. When I read scripture, I now have a mental picture of city life during that time. The people of that time were very intelligent and had developed many conveniences that made their lives easier.
I think the few hours that we spent were not nearly enough to take it all in. That is one of the disadvantages to touring with a group with every second planned out; it only gives you a little taste of the places visited. I would have loved to have spent more time at this interesting ancient city, but Rome was calling our name. We loaded into the bus and traveled through more beautiful countryside before rolling into the capital city of Rome.

Hello Rome!!
i have loved your glorious photos of places
i will probably never see with my own eyes.
thank you!
We loved Pompeii and spent six hours walking around there. After staying in Sorrento for 5 days, we went to Rome, too. You and I like the same places!
What an amazing trip! I had to play catchup on reading your posts. Our two favorite places to visit would be Greece and Italy. I did have an opportunity to visit Florence many years ago, but just for a day.
Thank you for taking us along and sharing a piece of this history. Diana
I was always fascinated about Pompeii too. Very neat you could visit it. It is something most people only dream of so the tour was a treat I think. You'll forever remember this wonderful visit and perhaps see the holy land someday.
Lovely pics. I did a study with a class way back in junior school of Pompeii, it was really interesting. What a great experience for you to be there.
Pompeii is a fascinating place. I've never been there in person, but seen a lot of footage of it through the years, most recently through Rick Steves. We have many Rick Steve's DVDs; our way of traveling to Europe. :)
I absolutely enjoyed reading your travel posts! Italian part was especially interesting for me since Italy is in our close plans. Thanks for the pictures. The color of the water is amazing! I also want to thank you for your comments on my posts,including the one with the WWII photos. It means a lot for me.
It was 30 years ago when we visited Pompeii. I think how much more I would absorb today. While travel is certainly not wasted on the young, there is however a greater richness in the adventure when one has more experience of life.
I would love to visit Pompeii, but I enjoyed "seeing" it through your eyes. I can see how your understanding of Biblical life has taken on new meaning. That's neat!
Enjoying sharing your wonderful trip Carla - the pics are great.
Roma - an amazing city isn't it? I was overcome by the ruins - and how they've stood the test of time. Trevi - oh yes, I threw my coin so hope to get back some day!
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