Our spring weather has been absolutely gorgeous this year. The landscape around here is just bursting with green. I can't think of any better time of the year to do a photo shoot with Carson. She needed to have some good photos to promote her music so we headed out to some of the prettiest places that I know. Fortunately all of these places are within a half mile of our home. I hope you enjoy the scenery...feel free to weigh in on your favorite shots. We are still trying to decide which ones to use.
Doesn't this remind you of The Sound Of Music?
Did you pick a favorite? I hope spring is surrounding you with beauty today!
Ok... no way on the Sound of Music! But yes, it does look like that! (that's the ex-pat in me talking - don't listen to a word I say) heehee.
But I REALLY like the ones on the porch of an old house... those are fabulous...and the first and last pics. Great lighting. She's darling. Tell her I think she's a star!
I like the one of her on the porch playing the guitar. Actually both of them and the one in the blue dress leaning against the tree playing. What a pretty girl! You are right, the one does look like Sound of Music!
They are all great but number 7 seems to speak out to me. Singer with instrument, standing on weathered porch, country scene in the background. Classic…
Hello, Carla. I was here the other day looking at the wonderful photos of your beautiful and talented daughter. Your family has to be ecstatic. Hard for me to decide which I like best since there are so many great shots, but having said that, 1, 3, 9.. and I do like the sound of music one.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. In between rain drops I'm headed out to plant some beans. ;)
Wow, love the one of Carson in front of those windows with the weathered paint. It shows how young and full of hope she is. Best to you and your beautiful girls. You are a great Mother! pve
Honestly, just about ALL of them that include her instrument (is it a guitar?) are wonderful!
Yes, that one DOES remind me of "Sound of Music".
Ok... no way on the Sound of Music! But yes, it does look like that! (that's the ex-pat in me talking - don't listen to a word I say) heehee.
But I REALLY like the ones on the porch of an old house... those are fabulous...and the first and last pics. Great lighting. She's darling. Tell her I think she's a star!
I like the one of her on the porch playing the guitar. Actually both of them and the one in the blue dress leaning against the tree playing. What a pretty girl! You are right, the one does look like Sound of Music!
Oh I like the 1st one, the Blue Dress one against the tree...and the Sound Of Music shot:)))
My favorites are the first one, the one on the porch where she's looking down, and the last one with the cows in the background.
Oh, my! It's so hard to pick just one; they're all so good! But I think I like the one just above The Sound of Music.
Hope things are going well with you . . . and thanks so much for the prayers! Have a great rest of the week!
She's lovely! I like the one of her leaning against the tree, holding the guitar, blue dress.
I like the 6th one down or the fourth one up best. They are all so beautiful!
They are all great but number 7 seems to speak out to me. Singer with instrument, standing on weathered porch, country scene in the background. Classic…
I like the one that's reminiscent of the Sound of Music. That's a great shot, although not a portrait shot.
Oh, she is such a beauty! I love the first shot!
Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day, Carla!!!
how will you ever choose from these gorgeous photos?
every one is just beautiful!
What beautiful photos. The 2nd and 3rd one for me ... rust is always perfect for Country shots.
Všechny fotografie jsou nádherné...
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Spoustu pozdravů,Soňa
The Sound of Music or Little House on the Prairie! I can see how you are having a hard time picking a favorite. Beautiful!
Hello, Carla. I was here the other day looking at the wonderful photos of your beautiful and talented daughter. Your family has to be ecstatic. Hard for me to decide which I like best since there are so many great shots, but having said that, 1, 3, 9.. and I do like the sound of music one.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. In between rain drops I'm headed out to plant some beans. ;)
I love the very first one! although all of them are good yet the first one to me is eye catching.
have you had graduation yet? are you ok????
Wow, love the one of Carson in front of those windows with the weathered paint. It shows how young and full of hope she is.
Best to you and your beautiful girls. You are a great Mother!
There's nothing prettier than a gorgeous gal in a cotton dress and boots!
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