As soon as the weather decides to cooperate, John and Carson saddle up the horses for a little trail riding. We are very fortunate to have plenty of trails for them to explore.
After a long ride, they always stop by the house to tell me "hello" before putting the horses back in the pasture. Of course I have to grab my camera to snap a couple of shots before they ride into the sunset.
Carson stops to give me a quick pose. We're loving this warmer weather here in North Carolina. What are some of the activities that you look forward to when the weather turns warmer?
I wish it was riding horses like you all. Unfortunately, I just have the dog take me for a walk. I was loving the weather yesterday. Today it is cold and rainy. Love the pics!
Looks like a lot of fun.
I am still waiting for my weather to warm up:)))
I look forward to putting winter coats away. After living so long in the south, it's hard to dress appropriately for Chicago winters!! Looks like a nice couple of riders there!!
She sure has a sweet personality, Carla. I have no doubt that she will go far in this world.
Your family is so lucky! I have always wanted to ride horseback and never lived in a place near horses.... Your daughter is so beautiful.
I want a horse. I want a dog, too! :)
What a wonderful place to ride, Carla. Yesterday we went to the zoo, and I'll post pics of that this week. Hugs!
I look forward to driving west into the sunshine or south to the beach.
Oh, I have horse envy right now! Such beautiful, sweet animals :)
It WAS SUMMER here in GA with the humidity to go along with the record breaking high of 91 degrees! We took our boat to the lake and had a blast fishing and cruising around...
What fun! I haven't ridden horses in forever! What pretty pictures!
Thanks so much for stopping by my guest post at Southern Fried Dreams!
I love warmer weather just because I can actually go outside. I HATE cold weather, so I barely spend any time outside from october through April. (You can't call walking from the car to a building spending time outside!!) So, when it finally warms up, I enjoy walks in one of the downtown parks.
Hope you're enjoying the sunshine today.
The country life - especially in the springtime - is the best! Love your pics!
I simply enjoy being outside these days - puttering in the flowers or just sitting in a comfortable chair watching the birds! And of course, my camera is close by!
Unfortunately, in Florida "warm" is almost unheard of because spring is very short and then we go straight to miserably hot. I like to hike in the winter; do anything outside during that very short spring; and then spend the summer riding my bike because that generates wind which alleviates the heat.
That's great that you have access to trails to ride on! I was wondering about your horses, hadn't heard about them in a while. They are very cute.
Checking in after the storm. Are you all alright?
Hey, Relax A Little Bit!
Thanks for checking up on us. We were very fortunate that the worst of the storms did not come our way. We are all fine. I hope you are okay. Did the storms do a lot of damage where you are? I couldn't remember what part of the state you are in. Also, I can no longer figure out how to comment on your blog. I still check out all of your pictures though! Hope all is well with you. Carla
I am so glad to read that you all are fine. We fared well and we are so grateful. We are located about 40 mins. north of Raleigh. The storms were bad here. Samaritan's Purse will be doing some clean up of local areas. We hope to be helping out S.P. tomorrow. We are keeping busy with school. Looking back I think of how nervous I was about schooling Katie and here we are with only two weeks of work to be done. Katie has K-5 graduation in May. I get tearful just thinking about it. I'm sure you can look back and remember the first day that you began to school the girls. Oh what you must be feeling about Catie leaving for college, I can only imagine. Well done Mom and Dad, well done. Hugs.
So nice that you are able to have the horses and the place to ride!
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