Recently, I found this little feller in one of my bird feeders.
I guess he went into one of the holes and couldn't figure out how to get out. I've been there...trapped in a situation of my own making. Haven't you? Fortunately, for this little bird, I came along and (after grabbing my camera to take pictures) gently opened the lid to let him fly away.
Sometimes we feel trapped in situations that are beyond our control...
situations that just happen. Thankfully, whether trapped by our own mistakes or for some other reason, God is always there to provide an escape for us.
He reaches down from above and opens a door for us walk through. (Although, I doubt that He grabs His camera to take pictures first!) Isn't He amazing?!
Yes, HE is!
Wonderful photo, glad you took it before you set him free :)
What a cute post! Beautiful pics! I did giggle at the thought of god grabbing His camera though! How funny! Go to heaven and there is a wall of photos that He has taken of everyone!
What a wonderful post!
(I gasped when I saw him trapped;)
Glad you caught a photo....and glad we don't have to wait for Him to do that. Wouldn't want memories of MY entrapment;))
Yes, God is amazing, more than we can even realize. His Love and Healing, Peace, Strength and Forgiveness for all of us is never ending, all encompassing.
Great little post all because a sweet little bird was trapped in your feeder.
Thank you ~ FlowerLady
Such lovely pictures of a little bird. I am glad you grabbed your camera.
I had to smile at the thought of God with a Canon Rebel in his hand--obviously with a telephoto lens!!
The little bird looks very peaceful--as if he knew rescue was on the way.
Oh, I love this, Carla! It's such a wonderful reminder that God does make a way for us - even when we see no way out of our difficult situation! Don't you love the way God speaks to us through nature and everyday happenings - if we are listening and looking?
Hope you are having a good week!
Poor little guy! He certainly is cute.
Cute. I'm not into the God thing, but still, very cute.
Good thing you came along and set the bird free. What a cute little bird. It almost reminds me of a decorative little birdie under a glass cloche.
Carla, you made me smile, the bird, you releasing him...
Sometimes we may feel trapped, but I will always remember many years ago when I didn't think I knew what to do about a certain circumstance, he said, "you know the answer deep down inside". We may sometimes "think" we are trapped. How often prayer helped me find the answer.
oh that is such a sweet analogy. you
took some lovely photos AND taught
us a lovely lesson. thank you.
Now that little bird was truly blessed to have you there. God looks out for even the little ones.
This little chickadee was not trapped at all. It was in seed utopia girl. LOL, I spotted a wren fly into our birdfeeder last week. I was on my way out to rescue it but it flew right out of the house type feeder on its own. I have seen it do this time and time again so this bird goes for the center of the meal....
That is a beautiful post, Carla. Yes... I have been trapped. I can think of a specific time not so long ago when my Heavenly Father rescued me from a trap much like this one! This touched my heart today. God bless you. :)
Oh my goodness! Such a sight, and I imagine he/she is very thankful for you!
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