Poor little bird. He looked so scared. I did not open the door as to not alert the cats. That was the last thing this little fellow needed.
Fortunately, I checked up on him later to find him perched a little higher in the star magnolia right outside of my back door.
It always amazes me that after a little while these creatures are able to continue on their merry way. I don't know why I am amazed each time...doesn't Jesus tell us about the worth of our feathered friends?
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father." Matthew 10:29
What Jesus says next just fills my heart with joy.
"So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matthew 10:31
Isn't it nice to be assured of our worth once in a while? Praise God, just like that song of old says...His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me!
A lovely post. Love the red cardinal against the cold of the snow. I bet he is hoping for spring.
Oh, you and I... I love my morning coffee, lookin' out into the yard and having "Lord" time.
His eye is on the sparrow, that is forsure and just to know if he is watching a sparrow, he truly is watching us. His blessings abound, Once you find the lord it his gift of grace that lifts us.
We too keep those babies feed, the lord blesses us with enough extra money to purchase seed for them and keep them happy through the winter.
Thank you for your post, it touches many souls and gets us thinking.
How wonderful that you have those precious red cardinals where you live. They are really beautiful birds.
That is very beautiful, Carla. Just what I needed to hear today. Thank you for your willingness to talk about God on your blog - I really appreciate your thoughts here. Hugs, my friend.
Poor bird, I am glad he is OK.
I love the red cardinal. It is our state's bird.
Blessings to you my friend.
Hugs too,
I really needed to hear these words today, too, Carla! Cardinals always speak cheer to me, both in color and in their songs. I'm glad your window visitor recovered OK! Have a blessed week!
Oh I wanted to tell you too that Carson has a beautiful voice.
There is beauty and amazement in all of God's creations! He looks as if he just stopped to rest and "people watch".
I'm glad the little messenger came for a visit even though he falter a little in trying to give you a message from God.. but the good news is 'you did the message, Carla.
He works in mysterious ways :)
warm Hugs,
What a beautiful bird. We get them hitting our windows too. I always feel worried when it happens. I am so pleased to have them in my garden it is awful that my house hurts them.
we could learn a lot from our feathered friends!
i love your little red bird who is very fat! you
must have a lot of food for him.
Poor little bird, but what a neat experience. Cardinals are my favourite. I always wanted to see one as a child but growing up in Vancouver there weren't any around. It wasn't until I moved to Milwaukee that I finally saw one!
Hi Carla!
Lovely post-well said!
And a wonderful, close-up picture of your little Cardinal friend. I have been trying to get Cardinal's to come to my feeder for months. (A pair came two years ago, in the winter, I mean, They always come in the Summer.)But there is so much snow this year that very few birds are coming-just a couple of Chickadees. They have all moved down to the valley neighborhoods,
the deer too. It's a little bit too quiet lately-- They'll be back in March though and it will be so sweet to hear them singing again!
To God be the Glory!
With Love from the Cabin,
I shared this post on facebook and had so many thanks for it. I love NC as I was born there. Gardening is second nature to me. I love Jesus too.
Hi Carla! I love cardinals, and I'm so glad that your red cardinal is OK.
Oh what beautiful pictures! I love Cardinals. They are so pretty. You have a great blog! Glad I found it!
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me!"... now that warmed my heart.
I am always amazed at how they fly into the window and simply turn and dart off; generally the only one hurt (frightened) is me from the unexpected noise. We don't see many cardinals out this way and I do miss them from back east.
Carla, I hope you have a wonderful week.
A beautiful post, Carla! Lovely photos and words to match. What an uplifting piece of writing!
love to use that last image as an inspiration for an illustration.
I love the red cardinal -- and the green one too.
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