After pondering Allison's request, I came up with many reasons as to why she would be disappointed after seeing my garden.
1. I do not really have a garden. (I use the words garden and landscaping
2. I am not a gardener. (I am in awe of those of you who are true gardeners.)
3. My landscaping has many imperfections. (Did I mention that I am not a gardener?)
4. This summer's drought really took its toil on my landscaping. (a.k.a. garden)
5. Fall is not the best season for show-and-tell. (See some of my spring posts.)
However, as I have said before, I am a very transparent blogger. I am not afraid to show the bad as well as the good in my blog. Keeping that in mind, I took a little evening stroll around the house trying to capture some of the Southern elements of my landscaping.
A climbing camellia is actually a regular camellia that is pruned to appear to climb the brick wall.
The Adirondack chairs are not a Southern element, but the view is!
What Southern garden is complete without lots of ferns? I just wish I could get mine to grow as big as the ones in Charleston. Any ideas?
Of course every garden needs a kitty or two. They are perfect for catching pesky voles.
Every Southern garden needs roses! Since I am not a gardener, I grow knock-out roses. These are easy to grow and smell wonderful.
This is a picture of the alcove area created with our addition. The creeping fig is on the wall that cannot be seen. If you look closely you can see one of our Southern enemies...Bermuda grass! It invades every inch of our landscaping. Does anyone have suggestions on getting rid of it for good?
Our fall-blooming camellia is full of buds this year.
Camellias truly are southern shrubs that I cannot get enough of.
As you can see, my alcove is not big enough to be called a courtyard, but I just love the character that it adds to my home.
Look! I found a little surprise! I noticed my first fall camellia bloom during my evening stroll. (Thanks, Allison, for sending me out to photograph my landscaping!)
I love this time of evening during the fall months. The air has a certain woodsy scent that one can just inhale deeply to melt away the stress of the day. Maybe I was wrong...maybe fall is the best time in my garden/landscaping/yard. And, maybe...just maybe I'll turn into a gardener when I grow up! When under the influence of this autumn air, one begins to believe that anything is possible.
You still have blooms in your garden? Lucky girl! Is that pretty kitty part of your family? She is really cute. Hope your day is beautiful!
I agree that every garden needs kitties, roses and camellias! I have a couple of Knockout roses in the landscape too and nothing else provides such a big bright spot of color.
Well, even if you are not a gardener, it sure looks like you are. Everything is lovely, especially your camellias. And you take beautiful photographs. (Photography is one of my MANY non-talents.)
My favorite houses are red brick. My dream house is a red brick Southern plantation-style house, with black shutters, of course. (Can't tell if yours are black or hunter.)
Thanks for your understanding comment about my dilemma about what to do with my life now that my kids are grown up. I believe SO much in stay-at-home motherhood (though I don't condemn those that make other decisions.) For me, it was the right choice. But there IS a problem with it, and that is what does the mom do with her life after her kids are grown. After pouring your life into your kids for 20 years, what is your purpose in life now. The Lord will direct our paths, I know. But it IS a strange place to be in.
Have a lovely day,
Carla, Dynamite might work for Bermuda grass-then again it might just blow everything up yet when the smoke clears there will be the Bermuda grass. I don't think I'd garden so much if I had to deal with Bermuda grass. It is a bane for gardeners indeed.
The camellias are wonderful. I need to go check mine now to see if it is has bloomed. I can never estimate when it will start. Cute start to your post and thanks for showing us around your garden-ahem-landscape-garden/landscape:)
"Under the influence of autumn air" . . . I love that! Your yard is so very pretty - and to have a pond in view, is a bonus! I think the alcove would be one of my favorite spots - or maybe the chairs!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
You have delightful southern gardens (flowers,greenery,trees,shrubs and a heavenly pond) surrounding your lovely home.
If you live in the southern half of the country, everything you own is southern.
PS, I moved my blog to a new blog. You can follow me at
You have such a pretty view! That's one thing that we lack at our house.
I would love to have a Camellia. Yours is pretty!
I enjoyed your garden tour!
You are wonderful, Carla!
I love the red brick of your house; it is so welcoming, and I'll bet you have a southern wrap around I am not a gardener either. But like you, I have two beautiful rose bushes that make my heart soar every summer. Camillias are the flower of my youth as I grew up in Los Angeles and marched every year in the Camillia Parade as a girl scout... ah, this picture takes me back in time.
THANK YOU for going to all the trouble to let us peek in on your world. If I had an alcove such as yours, I would most certainly drink southern sweet tea of an evening, looking out over my southern pond. Ah, such a treat this was! Hugs.
great pics to capture the essence of ti alL!
*kiss kiss*
PS - love for you to stop by and :
*Enter Camille Beckman Luxury Give-Away Here*
Thanks for your comments today Carla! It would be fun to get a chance to sip some tea together, indeed! I've always been intrigued by the South, and maybe one day I'll find myself driving in the Carolinas and I'll stop by for a visit with my southern friend. ;) If ever you're passing through Europe...I hope you'll do the same.
Krásné fotky ze zahrady u domu. Váš dům je tak krásný!!!Moc vás srdečně zdravím a přeji krásné podzimní dny...Soňa
i agree with Sona! hee hee!
seriously, take it back. you are an amazing
gardener, and the proof is in your beautiful
photos. the pink camelia is to die for.
i also love your beautiful brick home. so
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