My oldest daughter is in an early college program and takes college courses and high school course simultaneously. She started her college classes this week. Me and my youngest daughter will start her seventh grade homeschooling on August the twenty-fifth, when Catie's high school classes start. We ordered her books last week and are awaiting their arrival. There is something exciting about starting a new school year. I guess that is the educator in me!
I always pray for my children as they start a new year of school. I also pray for the teachers and school staff. I know many of you do the same. Are there any special preparations or traditions that you have for your family when starting something new?
Our new school year starts in January so everything feels fresh and shiny at that time of year. Is that lantana? ... it's a terrible weed in the warmer parts of Australia.
dear carla,
it sounds like you are all ready for
a fabulous school year!
traditions? big family dinner before
everyone leaves. sniff. only one
left, and she leaves in 3 weeks for
I hope that both of your children have a very good school year.
I love that feeling of new beginnings that the new school year brings. Even as an adult, I can feel it. Ever since my daughter started school (she's going into 4th grade this year) we've taken a first day of school picture in the same spot. When she goes off to college I will suprise her with a book that I'm making for her, which will include each of these pictures.
I miss the promise of a new school year in my household. However, I do pray for all children starting a new year all over town/the world. We used to take the boys out for dinner and a pep talk the night before school started. I had mixed emotions as I saw them out the door in new outfits with fresh school supplies. I always enjoyed having the summers with them. Best wishes to your girls and you as this new year begins!!
No children in my house but the next door neighbors kids are back in school again. They were quiet this summer as they were out of town for most of it. I missed the laughter of them playing in the yard. I did have a 5 and 7 year old family visit for a week. The house was full of love, laughter and joy while they were here. Too quiet when they left....
I love your title . . . new beginnings! So thankful new beginnings are a part of life! Of course, I have no children starting to school, but the neighborhood kids start tomorrow here - and that changes activities around us: the school bus will pass about 6:30 (so early), our little friends won't visit during the day, and homework will limit play time after school. To me, it always signals the approaching fall season - which I am SO ready for!
Moc vás zdravím a jsem ráda,že jsem mohla shlédnout váš krásný blog a fotografie.Krásný dům,nádherný domov...I já mám dvě dcery studující.Jedna jde na střední školu a druhá nastupuje na vysokou školu.Za chvíli končí prázdniny a tak opět nastanou ty všední starosti...Hodně štěstí a mnoho úsměvů do života přeje Soňa
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