I don't know how hot it may be where you are, but we reached the 100 degree mark today. It has been miserably hot here in the southeast this summer. I have all but given up on gardening and outdoor work because it is just too hot. We do still have some tomatoes, basil, and corn growing; but that is about all. It is too hot to do almost anything outside. I have also avoided cooking big meals since that just heats up the kitchen and makes the air conditioning run too much. Luckily, John loves to grill no matter what the weather. It doesn't matter if it is 10 degrees or 100 degrees, he will still fire up the grill.
With the yummy tomatoes and basil, I stir up a little bruschetta. Just add a little olive oil, garlic, mozzarella, salt and pepper, and voila! No cooking necessary!

Doesn't it look good?

John grills up some steak, fresh corn, and of course, the bread, and we are good to go!

What do you have for supper when the temperatures soar?
Mmmm.... this looks yummy! It is hot and humid here in the north too. I do alot of BBQ, crockpot dinners and salads. Besides heating up the kitchen a big meal just makes me feel hotter too.
It looks good indeed. You beat us with the heat. Thank goodness for air conditioning.
Looks delicious! Love grilling all year long. Stay cool.
And I am cooking warming bowls of vegetable soup. 100 degrees would be too hot for me too.
What a fabulous, fresh meal! Yum! Love the bruschetta! You can never go wrong with tomatoes and basil, IMHO.
My husband loves to grill, too. Our friends think he grills steaks better than any restaurant. When we host Thanksgiving, he even grills our turkey.
It looks amazing! I'll be right over... :)
I've been living on salads.
My tomatoes are almost ripe so I will be able to make some bruschetta soon. You dinner looks wonderful!!!
dear carla,
that is exactly what we do. cold suppers every
night when in oklahoma!
your bruschetta looks pretty enough to eat!
which, of course, is what you did. :)
Yummy - Yummy for the tummy! You always have the best looking foods to eat! So fresh and appetizing!
What time is dinner??
It is extremely hot here, too, and our garden is gone except for peanuts. We did enjoy fresh corn, cucumbers, and tomatoes last night at our son's new home in MS. Your meal looks soooo good!
My husband has grilled for us lately and has fried fish outdoors, too! I love it when he cooks!
Have a blessed weekend!
hi carla! thanks for the birthday wishes, but
my birthday was in january. :)
i confused some people from re-posting.
Mmmmmmmm! That's looks heavenly.
My summer favorites! Alas, here in the midwest, the corn and tomatoes are not ready--another two weeks I've been told. August is tomato month and I incorporate them in every meal including breakfast. Can't wait!! We're hot here too but nothing like what the southeast/midsouth is having. Hope you get a break soon!
Looks Yummy!
Thank you for sharing!
Please stop by my blog....
dear carla,
thank you for your incredibly sweet and encouraging
words at my place.
i hope the temperatures are dropping a bit for you.
at least the days will begin to shorten.
blessings on your sweet family,
that does look yummy - thanks for the easy meal idea!
What a delicious-looking plate!!
I go the salad or microwave route when it's very hot.
I will have to try to make brushcetta. We're getting cherry tomatoes and basil out of the garden and that's it.
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